It is not a coincidence that the past is crumbling with and within us. Quite probably, from the moment of the creation of the World we want to remember and save something: things that connect us to the Creator, and memories connecting to an extraordinary place and person.
There is a clearing like this above Debrad, a scene of communication between the ground and the sky. According to the legend – nearly thousand years ago – our King St. László being in desperate straits has stopped here to pray to God and a spring bubbled up from the ground so his sweltered soldiers could quench their thirst.
According to many witnesses this beautiful clearing was the place of visions of St. Mary in the beginning of the 50’s. Allegedly, everything was glittering in gold during the miracle than the colours of the rainbow appeared one after the other. Some saw roses falling from the sky. Soon, the spring became well known for its healing power. As a result of repeated miracles the clearing became a place of pilgrimage which was prohibited by the authorities in 1959. The reconstruction of the St. László church and the pilgrimage could only restart on the spring of 2006, after the change of regime in 1989.
The St. László clearing is located app. 2,5 km from the centre of Debrad. Many footpaths are leading form this place to the surrounding villages and geographically unique landmarks, such as the Zadiel Valley.
starostka obce Debraď